What’s With the Mike Trout Golf Course Negative Nellies?
Millville New Jersey native and Major League Baseball star Mike Trout made a big announcement about South Jersey this week.
Mike Trout - and his newly formed company - are working on bringing a top-level golf course to South Jersey. It will be called Trout National - The Reserve.
You would think that would be a good thing, right? Well, some pessimists are already chiming in with their two cents.
Here are the facts:
- Mike Trout is partnering with local businessman John Ruga on this venture. They've hired golfing great Tiger Woods, and his design team, to design this course, which is being built in Vineland.
- The course, which will be private, will feature state-of-the-art everything. The course, the clubhouse, and all the golf amenities will be top-notch. There will be lodging, a wedding chapel, banquet facilities, and more.
- Construction is beginning this year, with hopes of an opening in the summer of 2025.
So, as soon as details of the project were released, the boo-birds have come out of the woodwork and are making noise on social media.
I won't identify the people who have made the (crazy) statements, but I'd like to address them.
1. "It's going to be expensive! Not for "regular" people who live around here."
Well, yes, it's not for everyone. Yes, membership does have its privileges I guess. Making the course private means the course can be nicer, and better. Through memberships, the course can count on revenue and use that revenue to ensure upkeep at a high level.
If you're a golfer - especially in South Jersey - you know there are some public courses that have gone down in excellence because of budget issues. One example is a "true" public course: Green Tree in Egg Harbor Township. As had been noted, the course has been struggling. Some privately owned public courses in our area are also facing challenges. Sometimes, going private is the "smart" way to go.
No, maybe the course won't be open to all.
2. "I was hoping he would build something baseball-related."
Who says he won't? This is what he's chosen to do first. (At least first on a big scale. He's been known to "give back" to his former high school and his community in a number of ways - some of which have not been publicized.)
3. "I was hoping he would do something for the 'regular people'."
Pssst: Some regular people play golf.
4. "He's only building this to build his retirement account."
Perhaps the stupidest comment yet. The man has a $426 Million contract to play baseball. I don't think he is or will be hurting financially now or ever.
5. "They told us the Motorsports Park would be quiet. I bet they are saying the same about this."
Um, hey, it's golf. I've been on a golf course 2,439 times in my life. It's not a noisy game.
Look, this is an exciting thing happening to Vineland, Cumberland County, and South Jersey. This looks to be a world-class facility, and it's going to be right here, in our backyard.
It will bring jobs - beginning with construction and continuing through the operation of the course and its facilities.
It will bring tax benefits to the area.
It will, no doubt, provide spill-over money and jobs to other businesses in the area.
From an environmental standpoint, a golf course - especially a premiere one - is beautiful. I guarantee Tiger's design team will work with the area and build something that fits. This will be some beautiful green space!
Will there be negatives? Possibly, but I'm willing to bet they will be few and far between.
Mike Trout, his family, and his company have chosen our area for this project. This is a good thing, guaranteed!
I can only hope that one day I can tee it up on Trout National!