New Study Shows Positivity Will Be A Priority For Many In 2021
If there's one thing that 2020 lacked more than ever, it's positivity. Nobody will deny that. The events of 2020 has rocked everybody to their cores. Quite frankly, people have had enough.
People have had enough of the avalanche of events that have stolen everyone's hope this year. The only thing left to do is hope for a better year next year. A new study conducted on behalf of reveals that 52% of people regardless of events to come plan on at least attempting to view life next year from a more positive lens. How can you argue with that?
This year has gone down the toilet for so many of our friends and neighbors that any hope left for it to turn around has pretty much disintegrated at this point. The only thing left for many of us to do is just wash our hands of the craziness that 2020's brought and start fresh in 2021. The next point in the survey addresses how people plan to do that. Forty-eight percent of people promised to make their mental health more of a priority in the coming year. Let's be honest, this past one definitely took its toll.
Another way people want to try to shift their realities for next year is by volunteering more. Sure, COVID-19 has forced us to find ways to give of our time in a bit of an unorthodox way, but so many will still need our neighborly services next year that there will surely be something your skills would be useful for.
The only thing left to do this year is to accept what is, kiss 2020 goodbye, and hope for a better 2021. Think positive thoughts!