Saddest Pup Abandoned in Crate at the Curb Finds Happy Ending
People really can be cruel beasts. On November 10th a woman posted two pictures of a dog that was locked in its crate and abandoned in the street on a dead end road in Kalamazoo, MI. It clearly sparked outrage in the community as she described the situation:
He is unaltered and young (1-2). He met her dogs through the cage and was fine, but that is all I know. I told her I would reach out. She can only keep him through the night. Please no bashing. His family apparently thought that this was better [than] the pound and we do not know their circumstances. We are just looking to find placement for the poor dog with someone who can help get him neutered and keep him safe.

Luckily, when it comes to animals, Kalamazoo has always stepped up for four legged friends. Someone shared the post in the Kalamazoo County Lost/Found Pets Facebook group and it received over 40 replies in less than 40 minutes. A few people there offered to take in the dog. Luckily, the Kalamazoo Animal Rescue stepped up and according to another Kalamazoo resident, Caroline Campbell, the dog has a new home:
He’s in rescue and in foster home. Won’t have to spend 7 days at animal control either. Thanks to amazing people.
When people really sink to new lows, it's great that there are literally dozens of people willing to step up and be responsible pet owners. If you can no longer care for your pet, do the right thing and contact your local ASPCA so they can find a loving home for your pet.
KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies
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