Poop Leads to Swimming Advisories in 3 New Jersey Beach TownsPoop Leads to Swimming Advisories in 3 New Jersey Beach TownsOh, poop! Higher than normal level of a certain bacteria in the waters of three New Jersey beach towns could make swimmers sick, so an advisory has been put in place. Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
The Poop Knife is Apparently a Real Thing (Oh Yuck!)The Poop Knife is Apparently a Real Thing (Oh Yuck!)Bad plumbing, hereditary reasons, and more apparently has necessitated the need for "the device."Joe KellyJoe Kelly
The ONE Reason Why It SUCKS to Have Grass at Your Beach HouseThe ONE Reason Why It SUCKS to Have Grass at Your Beach HouseDon't get me wrong, a well dressed lawn looks beautiful. But let's be real, the odds of you finding grass in a beach town are like 1 in every block.Rachel MarieRachel Marie
How About Sending Them Some Poop!How About Sending Them Some Poop!You thought we were full of it before......Joe KellyJoe Kelly