How About Sending Them Some Poop!
You thought we were full of it before......
Looking for that unspecial something to get that unspecial person?
Send `em some poop!
No, really. Poop.
I've tripped and fallen over a rather interesting website: poopsenders.com.
The deal is that you hate someone so much, you go to the website and arrange to have a box of poop sent to them. It's animal poop, and you can choose what kind of animal the poop comes from: elephants, cows, gorillas.... You can even send a "combo pack" of several different types of animals' poop mixed together! (By the way, cow poop is the cheapest and gorilla poop is the most expensive. I'm not sure if the price is determined by supply and demand.....or what.)
So, are people really doing this?
Apparently so! Their testimonial page is full of messages from all over the country - including a person from Trenton, who writes, "This is a gift that every a**hole neighbor should get."
The website states that all deliveries are guaranteed anonymous, bulk orders are possible, and MasterCard and Visa are accepted.
Personally, I long for the days when you could put a bag of poop on someone's doorstep, light it on fire, and run. I guess this is progress?
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