7 Ways You Can Immediately Tell Someone Is NOT From The 6097 Ways You Can Immediately Tell Someone Is NOT From The 609As shoobie season slowly starts to approach us, South Jerseyans need to mentally prepare for the dumb questions and comments we're about to get, and when to STEER CLEAR!Rachel MarieRachel Marie
Spring Cleaning Chores Can Help You Burn SERIOUS CaloriesSpring Cleaning Chores Can Help You Burn SERIOUS CaloriesIt's the first day of SPRING! Which means, spring cleaning...but did you know Spring cleaning can burn more calories than running a MARATHON?!Rachel MarieRachel Marie
It's Illegal for Men to Do THIS During Fishing Season in NJIt's Illegal for Men to Do THIS During Fishing Season in NJThere's apparently a lot of weird laws in New Jersey...one of which being THIS weird thing that men aren't allowed to do during fishing seasonRachel MarieRachel Marie