LOL: This TikTok Comparison of French Ocean vs. Jersey Shore Water Is Too Real!
Here's something we hardly need to go over again: New Jersey typically gets a bad rap. It's no secret! We're usually the butt of those played-out jokes you see on movies and television. But one jab that truly gets under my skin is "Dirty Jerz." I hate that nickname!
But... it might not be totally unwarranted! That includes when it comes down to Jersey Shore waters.

Can Jersey Shore waters rival those of the crystal clear, blue waters of say, the Bahamas? Er... probably not. Not even close. But that's ok! It's fun to poke fun at ourselves every once in a while!
Cue this TikTok video I found while I was scrolling today. TikTok user and Jersey Shore beach-goer @abbyweisser stitched a video with another girl thousands of miles away in a very different environment. In an enviable clip, the girl films herself swimming in the crystal blue waters of Nice, France at 5:30 am. She then dunks down into the pretty waters like a freakin' mermaid.
And then the video stitches to our girl Abby; "This is what it's like to hangover swim in the Jersey Shore. Water is poop brown." she says!
This video is TOO real! It has over 2 million views and 300k likes. Check it out for yourself down below!
@abbyweisser #stitch with @Brynley Joyner nice france jersey shore… same diff #foryou #gatoradewater #jerseyshore #hangover #july4th #july5th ♬ Amber - 311
Abby didn't specify which Jersey Shore she's at, but the comments are pouring in for fellow Jersey Shore goers!
"I remember wearin goggles as a kid to go under and thinking … somethings should stay unseen. hurt my own feelings"
"People who never seen the ocean are so disappointed when they come to NJ…they’re like “why is it brown?'"
"Hangover swim is elite. Get some French fries, make friends with some sky rats"
Sure, the water might be "poop brown"... but it's our poop brown water! It builds character. And probably immunity from unknown diseases.
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