10 Parameters That Define the New American Dream
What was the original definition of " The American Dream"?
It's the US's sort-of ethos that states every American citizen has a right to the pursuit of happiness. The parameters that constitute that happiness revolve around a stable income, home ownership, living in the suburbs, getting married, and having a family.

A new survey by Canva revealed that while a lot of the initial parameters still hold true, the new American Dream is one that's layered with multiple hoops most people must jump through these days that people of the past didn't have to worry about.
For one, 56% of people surveyed say the American Dream for them is to own a home. That one was part of the original idea and still holds true today. What is on the list now, though, is that a huge chunk of those surveyed, 40% actually, say that part of their American Dream is to pay off student loans holding them back from achieving a lot of other goals in their lives. Also, it's noted that while having a family is still on the list, getting married specifically is not mentioned. Another standard highly regarded as part of the modern American Dream is owning a business. 43% of people surveyed expressed this as a parameter in their definition.
The new definitions of the American Dream broken down into percentages are listed below:
Owning your own home 56%
Owning a car 53%
Having a family 50%
Starting your own business 43%
Paying off student loans 40%
Providing a high-quality education to your children one day 31%
Living in the suburbs 29%
Getting a good job 26%
Being out of credit-card debt 26%
Realizing your potential 23%
Source: NYPost.com
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