Cat Country Is 37 Percent Of My Life
Next month starts my 14th year at Cat Country 107.3 and that got me thinking about how much of my life I've spent here.
This all started at the coffee machine this morning, as most of my random thoughts do. I realized next month marks my 14th year at Cat Country 107.3 (excluding that brief period of time I worked in Virginia) -- February 20th, 1998, was the first day I started pushing buttons here. That got me thinking about how much of my life that works out to be.
Thanks to The Amazing Days Alive Calculator, I figured out I've been alive for 12,981 days (I'll save you the trouble -- I'm 35 1/2 years old); that number, divided by the 4,834 days I've been here, means Cat Country has made-up 37.24% of my life. And I've lived in New Jersey 98.1% of the time.
Give it a try -- it puts things in perspective. How long have you worked at your job? How long have you been married? There's all kinds of events you can try.
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