🐍 NJ lawmaker bit by venomous snake
🏥 Given anti-venom, flown to NY
⚕️Thankful for medical response

A North Jersey lawmaker and lifelong wildlife enthusiast ended 2024 in the hospital, treated for a venomous snakebite at his family’s zoo complex.

Sen. Parker Space, R-Sussex, said he was on the mend after being bit by an eastern massasauga rattlesnake while feeding it on Monday — NJ.com first reported and Space confirmed the encounter for New Jersey 101.5.

Space and his family live in Wantage, also home to their Space Farms Zoo and Museum, which opened in 1927.

Space Farms Zoo and Museum (Google Maps, Canva)
Space Farms Zoo and Museum (Google Maps, Canva)

The 100-acre complex has more than 500 wild animals, including lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, lemurs, buffalo, kangaroos, monkeys, llamas, hyenas — and a roomful of snakes, the legislator said.

While the massasauga “usually has a striking distance about a third of its body length,” Space said, he got a bit too close while feeding it.

He felt the quick string of a bite, followed by the stunning sight of two fang marks on the middle finger of his left hand.

The massasauga is a "small pit viper" usually found in the northern midwest of the U.S. and in Ontario, Canada, according to the federal Fish and Wildlife Service.

Space Farms Zoo and Museum (Google Maps, Canva)
Space Farms Zoo and Museum (Google Maps, Canva)

After walking to tell his son where he was going, Space began the 20-minute drive to Newton Medical Center.

By the time he arrived, his hand had swelled to double its normal size and pain was creeping up his arm.

Hospital staff, already on alert thanks to a call from Space's son, administered 10 vials of antivenom, followed by another four vials.

The lawmaker said by Tuesday, the biggest concern was that the pressure of the reaction to the bite could literally split his skin.

Space was ultimately flown by medical helicopter to Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, where the hospital has an impressive snakebite treatment program.

The program was established about 40 years ago, as the hospital is 2 miles from the Bronx Zoo, which is home to a variety of venomous snakes and other exotic wildlife.

Jacobi Medical Center in Bronx, NY (Google Maps, Canva)
Jacobi Medical Center in Bronx, NY (Google Maps, Canva)

Space was kept for observation 24 hours after his last dose of anti-venom and was able to go home on Wednesday, before returning for a check-up on recovery.

He said the trauma of the bite and treatment has left his hand and arm bruised, but that he would ultimately be "tougher" for surviving the ordeal.

Space also said the response by medical professionals who treated him and by friends and others who have reached out to offer well-wishes has been tremendous.

Space was elected to the State Senate in 2023. He served as an assemblyman from 2013 to 2023.

His family has farmed in Sussex County for eight generations and he has been a volunteer firefighter since 1989.

Animals gone wild in NJ: Turkeys, tigers, snakes, bears and more

The best of animal encounters — real and a few rumored — from around New Jersey.

Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt

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How much affordable housing every NJ town needs

The number of affordable housing units that should be built in each municipality of New Jersey, according to calculations by the Department of Community Affairs.

The towns are listed by county and in order of greatest need.

The "present need" refers to existing but deficient housing occupied by low- and moderate-income households. "Prospective need" refers to the housing that would have to be built in the next 10 years to accommodate the estimated growth of low- and moderate-income households. The state used a formula that considers a municipality's income and land capacity.

The current housing counts are from the 2020 Census.

Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5

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