Can This Really Be New Jersey’s Most Searched Pumpkin Spice Product?
Even summer lovers all over New Jersey have to admit that pumpkin spice season is here in the Garden State. Did you know which pumpkin spice product is the most popular in our state?
I am a summer lover, and I have a theory about pumpkin spice. It's not just a flavor. It's not just a special cup of coffee or donut. It is a symbol that you have finally admitted summer is over.
That is probably the reason a lot of people resist the pumpkin spice urge as long as we can. Others, of course, embrace it as soon as the first signs of pumpkin spice appear in the area.
Regardless of the timing, we all seem to embrace it and jump on the pumpkin spice bandwagon eventually. So, how far does our love for it extend?
Well, the folks at The Takeout have reported on the most searched pumpkin spice item in each state. So, what do you think topped the list in the Garden State?
Let's put it this way. New Jersey's most searched item in the pumpkin spice world is surprising, weird, and in my opinion, doesn't even sound good.
It's not a coffee product, it's not a donut, and it's not even chocolate. No, the most searched pumpkin spice product in New Jersey for 2023 in the Garden State is the pumpkin spice Goldfish. Yep, the little crackers.
If it makes you feel better, New Jersey is not the only state where the Goldfish tops the pumpkin spice search list, but I have a sneaking suspicion that won't make most people feel any better about this.