New Jersey’s Teeth Got Graded And Our Ranking Is Pretty Rotten
In a recent study, New Jerse ranked way lower than you'd like to believe when it comes to having really good teeth.
We never really stood a chance on this one. Some of our most common and favorite foods here in the Garden State are really high on the list of foods that stain your teeth, so there was little chance from the beginning that we'd do well.
According to Byte, New Jersey lands in a pretty disappointing spot on the list of the states with the best teeth. We came in at # 29. That hurts more than a root canal.
Obviously, that puts the Garden State in the bottom half of the nation when it comes to good teeth, and that is unsettling, to say the least. So, are there any theories as to why we rank so low?
I have an excellent theory, and it has less to do with dental hygiene and much more to do with our passion for food.
What do New Jersey residents love more than anything else when it comes to food? It's a safe bet your answer will be Italian food and pizza.
Well, tomato sauce is the #1 on the list of foods that stain your teeth. That has to be part of it, but that's not all.
What are our favorite things to drink? If you said red wine or coffee, you're right...twice. Red wine is #3 on the list of drinks that will stain your teeth, and our beloved coffee sits at #2 on that list.
I have no data to prove anything, but I think that's pretty strong circumstantial evidence that our food choices, and not the residents, are to blame for this embarrassing ranking. Granted, the residents are making those food choices, but how can you blame us?