Nope, Still No Power. Joe Kelly’s Tuesday Blog
Electricity? We don't need no stinkin' electricity!
*It's day number 4 at the Kelly house with no power. We've discovered that our kids do actually talk! Apparently they feel the need to interact with the adult types when they can't play video games and hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.....
*If it weren't for the excessive heat, power failure and the lack of food and clean underwear, this would be a great summer.....
*It was actually quite a good feeling to walk into a couple Wawas this week and see that all their deli meats and salads were gone. It meant that they threw out all the food that couldn't be kept cold. I wonder how many other stores and restaurants didn't do that..... yuck....
*We've made it through the power failure without a power generator. We're tough. Our two-month old infant doesn't need his formula to be refrigerated...... (Wait... we don't really have a 2 month old infant....I just wanted to see if you would think "Oh My God!" as you read that.... did you?)
*My neighborhood generator count must have increased in the last 24 hours. There was a louder humming to fall asleep to. Very comforting.
*How come there's no looting going on? Do you want to go out and loot with me tonight?
*My wife cleaned out our freezer yesterday. It's all in the big green trash can now. Time to see if we really have bears in out neighborhood.....
*I'm now pretty good at figuring out which houses have electricity and which ones don't. ("Of course THEY have power. They probably got theirs back in five minutes. Bastards!")
*The mail is still being delivered. I got an overdue notice from Atlantic City Electric, telling me I need to pay my overdue bill. Or...???????
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