Why Rocks At Somers Point Beach Are Covered In Netting: Protecting The Coastline
Local residents have hit up a Somers Point-based Facebook group to ask a question that, for plenty of people living along the coastline, is common knowledge by now.
Here's the thing, though, if people are trying to learn different things about the place they call home, they shouldn't be made fun of for it.

That was the case when someone asked why netting has been placed over the rocks along one of the beaches in Somers Point. It's an honest question. An honest question deserves an honest answer.
Some people, however, weren't so kind when responding:
What's wrong with someone asking a question to try and learn something new? I, for one, think this response to the original post is out of line.
At least this response isn't as harsh. Still, my question back to whomever made this comment is this: was the original question so out of the blue that it warranted this kind of sarcastic response?
While this post was still pretty harsh, at least it was funny. It may have been sassy, but at least the OP (original poster) might have gotten a chuckle out of it. Still, is it really that difficult to answer the person honestly?
Why is there netting over the rocks in Somers Point?
As it turns out, there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. It's called an erosion blanket. The netting secured on top of the rocks prevents them from getting washed out to sea. The rocks are there to prevent beach erosion. The netting is just an extra precautionary measure.
Sheesh! Was it really that hard to just answer the question with the truth?
Hope this explanation helps!
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