Should South Jersey Get an Old Folks Playground for Nana and Pop-Pop?
Hey, South Jersey, are we ready for a playground for the old people?
Face it. We're all getting older. A big part of our society is aging. That's why you're seeing more and more older communities popping up, and why more and more services are being geared to the 65+ crowd.
So, how about a playground for that older population?
Can't you see your grandfather sliding down the Big Slide face-first?
Ok, I'm exaggerating just a little bit here. The thing is, though, playgrounds for senior citizens is apparently becoming a thing.
Here's a look at one playground in Spain:
Check out this video about another build in Toronto:
Who wouldn't want to hang out on the practice stairs?
As they mentioned in the videos, there are some good, solid reasons for a park like this, such as exercising and socializing.
So, what do you think? Want one in your community?