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Imagine turning $30 into $3 million instantly.

If our math is correct, that is a 9,999,900% return on investment.

Math or not, that is exactly what happened to someone who just bought a scratch-off lottery ticket in Philadelphia.

According to officials with the Pennsylvania Lottery, one lucky person bought a $30 Snow Bank scratch-off at Sunny Cigarette at 6447 Sackett St. and it hit for $3 million, that game's top prize.

Sunny Cigarette, 6447 Sackett St., Philadelphia PA - Photo: Google Maps
Sunny Cigarette, 6447 Sackett St., Philadelphia PA - Photo: Google Maps

For its efforts, the store will receive a $10,000 bonus for selling that ticket.

Tips if you win

In PA, scratch-off lottery prizes expire one year from the game's end-sale date, which is posted at

If you win, you should immediately sign the back of your ticket and call the lottery at (800) 692-7481.

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These Are The Steps Experts Say To Take If You Win The Lottery

After getting over the initial shock, says you should do these things immediately if you win the lottery!

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