South Jersey Health Workers Given A ‘Thank You’ Lunch For Administering COVID Vaccines
I have to start this off by giving a HUGE shout-out to all the healthcare workers that have been holding the fort down for over 13 months now.
Nobody could've predicted that we'd still be where we currently are when the pandemic started last March. Yet, we're all still here, having to watch ourselves to make sure we're always masked up, properly distanced, and not putting anyone else at risk. Yeah, it gets tiresome having to adhere to the protocols set forth by the state, but in the grand scheme of things, do WE really have anything to complain about?
As long as we're doing what we can to stay healthy, that's all that can really be asked of us - whether planning to get vaccinated or not. Now, all of these healthcare workers that are on the front lines everyday -- they're the ones that actually have something to complain about. For one, hospital workers are faced with the virus every single day they have to show up for work. There's no avoiding it for them.
That point leads me to my next question....
When did we stop showing our gratitude? Remember at the start of the pandemic how much love and support there was surrounding medical professionals? It's safe to say that's dwindled over the last few months, wouldn't you agree? It warms my heart to hear that, even in the smallest of ways, there ARE, in fact, certain communities remembering to pay it forward to healthcare personnel. reports of one such moment that occurred on April 13th when a group of healthcare workers received a nice little gratitude lunch from the Women's Club of Vineland. These workers who have been beyond hard at work vaccinating everyone with an appointment that comes through the doors of Inspira.
It's nice to know that, even if it's not as often, these front liners are still being told how thankful we are that they do what they do.