Why I Love Country Music
I am a huge country music fan, I don't just play one on the radio.
I got into country about 10 years ago. I was on a south west road trip with Girl Scouts where we flew into L.A. and drove to Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and back to California. In the middle of the desert, radio stations are far and few between. At this time Blake Shelton had released the song "She Wouldn't Be Gone." At first I didn't like the song, but the more I heard it the more I liked it. From that point on I was hooked on country music.
This past Friday I went to Luke Bryan's concert at Citizens Bank Park with Craig Campbell and Brett Eldredge. It was an awesome high energy and highly entertaining concert.
I've seen Luke and Brett in the past so I knew what to expect from them. This was my first time seeing Craig Campbell and he was incredible.
I brought my mom and my friend Caitlin to the show with me. Caitlin is a huge Luke Bryan fan. Making huge bold probably wasn't enough, she is a HUGE fan. That's better.
We got the opportunity to meet Luke, Brett, and Craig during the show.
I didn't tell Caitlin before the show that we were going to be meeting him. When she found out she looked happier than I have ever seen anyone look.
We were brought down to a room with other radio professionals to meet the country stars.
When Luke entered the room Caitlin couldn't hide her excitement.
When Luke came up to her, he gave her a big smile and said "I love how excited you are to see me. It means I'm doing my job right."
You could see how much it meant to him. Her excitement made his career worth while.
Before we took our photos with Luke, Caitlin asked if I could take pictures of her when she hugged him.
After she took her pictures she went in for the hug. He noticed I was taking photos, he said to her that they could take a few pictures hugging and pulled her in for a big ol' hug.
His appreciation for her was refreshing. It didn't boost his ego. It made him humble.
That's what I love about country singers. They are humble. I am not saying all other artists from all other genres are not, however country music has a reputation of it.
You might be singing "Humble and Kind" by Tim McGraw in your head right now.
All three of them, Luke, Brett, and Craig were very down to earth.
Craig Campbell talked to us about iPlay America in Freehold and how much fun he had when we got to ride the go-carts there.
Brett Eldredge brought his dog Edgar in with him and showed us a trick.
They are real and they are humble. That is why I love country music.
Photos from Luke Bryan's Huntin' Fishin' and Lovin' Everyday Tour
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