9 Foot Tall Naked Lady Statue Found in Atlantic City is Rather Dirty
There she is, naked for the world to see.
Naked but filthy...and green.
The lady we're talking about is the Liberty in Distress statue located inside the World War One Monument found at the entrance to Atlantic City, on Albany Avenue.
It's right across the street from one of the newer buildings associated with Stockton University.
Time has certainly not been kind to our naked Lady Liberty. She's now green and filthy.
According to a plaque at the memorial, there was a restoration done on the site back in 1988. I'm here to tell you it's time for another restoration.
The statue is actually behind closed locked gates at the memorial, so just time and weather are to blame for our girl's green hue.
Interestingly, the memorial began as a civic monument, but once the World War began, it was switched to a memorial of those who served in the war. According to worldwar1centennial.org, the statue was designed by Philadelphia sculptor Frederick MacMonnies. Wikipedia says it's actually a much smaller version of the statue The Tearful Liberty, which stands in Meaux, France. That statue is 72 feet tall! (Our Atlantic City gal is 9 feet tall.)
I was at the memorial the other day, and for the first time, I walked through the beautiful nearby park, O'Donnel Memorial Park, which includes a bunch of smartly painted beach chairs. It really is a lovely place to visit, now overlooking Stockton's Atlantic City campus.
Photos of the memorial and the park are shared below.
SOURCES: WorldWar1Centennial and Wikipedia