Absecon NJ Resident Reports Seeing UFO Glide Over His Home
Did beings from another word pay a visit to Atlantic County recently?
A witness has reported seeing a UFO fly over his/her home in late November.

The report was posted online on The National UFO Reporting Center website.
The witness, who's not identified, says he (or she) witnessed a "triangular shaped object fly over his home on November 30th between 12:30 and 1:00 am. The witness says the sky was "crystal clear."
The witness claimed to be on the deck of his;/her home when he/she noticed something in the sky over his/her shoulder. "As I watched this object pass over my head and GLIDE through the sky I wasn't sure what I was looking at. As I realized that this triangular shaped object was not making a sound as it drifter through the air."
The witness says another person was on the deck at the time, but didn't look up quick enough, before the lights faded out.
Finally the witness claimed to have immediately drew what he/she saw, and it turned out to be what's called "chevron-shaped."
There were no other reports of a UFO sighting in New Jersey that night, according the UFO Reporting Center. The site contains numerous UFO reports from every state. The reports are searchable by date, state, shape, and more.
Do you believe? Have you seen a UFO? If you have, we'd love to hear from you! Please send a detailed email of what you witnessed, when, and where to joe.kelly@townsquaremedia.com
SOURCE: National UFO Reporting Center.
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