An Easy Fix To Curb Your Quarantine Appetite
The snacking never ends these days, right?
You're not alone. More people are reporting an increase in the frequency of snacking due to the quarantine. Thanks a lot, COVID-19.
With summer right around the corner, nobody wants to emerge from quarantine too embarrassed to hit the beach. Of course a decent amount of exercise should take care of those pesky pounds, but how do you stop yourself from hitting the pantry when boredom strikes?
It's the easiest way to entertain yourself, not to mention one of the most satisfying. Turns out, swapping out snacks for an extra cup of your morning joe might actually make your belt tighten up a few notches.
New data from Anglia Ruskin University reveals that an increase in coffee consumption results in an overall decrease in body fat, particularly in women. Women that drink two to three cups per day were shown to have almost 3% LESS body fat than those who do not.
Caffeine has been said to combat hunger, but this study suggests that there may be other ingredients within it that plays a role in a decrease in body fat.
Guess this means you don't have to feel guilty for making another pot.
Drink up!