Do South Jersey Schools Need an ‘Adulting’ Class?
How many times have you heard a high school student complain about math class stating with such certainty, that they won't use any of the information in the real world? This argument is used by students across the country for pretty much all classes. A school in Kentucky is answering this timeless complaint with a class that can not be argued in such a manner. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome an "adulting" class.
TODAY talked with Christy Hardin, director of the Bullitt Central High School Family Resource and Youth Services Center, who created the "adulting" class. The class "...took place when the other students were taking their ACTs. The seniors could sign up for three hour-long breakout sessions."
Students were able to choose from 11 sessions including: basics of checking and savings, dorm-room cooking, healthy relationships and boundaries, physical fitness after high school, and others that will help them transition into the adult world.
According to Hardin the class that filled up the quickest was dorm-room cooking.
Other schools have also offered similar classes including one in Portland, Maine.
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