EHT Raises Over $13,000 in One Day for This Reason
It's never easy to deal with a stressful situation alone. That's why I like to dedicate a time during Cat Country Morning's with Joe and Rachel to reach out into our Cat Country Community to see who, out there, is in need of a little extra #DailyDoseofGood.
Help us spread the word and share today's story:
This one comes from Chelsea Michelle from EHT, who has created a Go-Fund-Me page on behalf of Franco Llufire & Kristen Alzamora
Franco and Kristen brought a beautiful baby boy into the world on March 27th, who they named Marcelo Joseph Llufire. However, at 2 weeks of age, he started having difficulty feeding. As the situation progressed and multiple trips to the pediatrician occurred, Franco and Kristen decided to bring Marcelo to AtlantiCare Hospital in Pomona this past weekend.
While in the hospital, Marcelo took a turn for the worse and deteriorated extremely fast while doctors searched for answers. The doctors there felt it was necessary to have Marcelo transferred to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia immediately. When Franco and Kristen got to CHOP, they were told that Marcelo has been diagnosed with a rare heart defect called Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venus Return (TAPVR) and is currently recovering from an emergency open heart surgery, in hopes of fixing his heart. CHOP has still not ruled out a possible infection too, and are treating for one just in case.
Marcelo has a very long road to recovery, but is a fighter, especially for only being less then a old.
Now whats absolutely AMAZING is that in just one day, our community has helped this family raise over $13,000 via Go-Fund-Me... IN ONE DAY...that's AWESOME! That's what doing good is all about: letting those in need know that no matter what they're going through, they're not alone.
Any donations are greatly appreciated and will go towards assisting with any medical expenses along with being able to help keep Franco and Kristen by Marcelo's side. If donating is something you aren't able to do, help spread the word with a comment, like and a share!
If you know someone out there who is in need of a little extra good, send us a message via our Facebook Page and tell us the story!
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