Napercise – Coming to a Gym Near You?
Wouldn't it be lovely to go to a gym for a nap class? As crazy as this sounds, this is actually already happening. What is napercise?
Before you start calling your local gym to see if they offer it, let me start off by saying it is being trialed at a health club in the UK. Why am I talking about it here? Well, first of all it is interesting and it also brings light to an issue we take lightly. Yes, that was corny.
At the David Lloyd Clubs in the UK, they offer a 60-minute nap class. It is targeted to parents who suffer from a lack of sleep. Pretty much every single parent.
According to the CDC more than one third of adults in the U.S. don't get enough sleep. They also found that 34% of adults 35-45 fell asleep in the past month during the day unintentionally. Even scarier, 5.7% say they fell asleep while driving.
The CDC also states:
Persons experiencing sleep insufficiency are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity, as well as from cancer, increased mortality, and reduced quality of life and productivity.
What does this napping class do? Simple, just sleep. Participants can take a 45 minute nap on one of the single beds provided in the room. They also have the temperature at the ideal level to help with burning calories during the nap. You don't have to necessarily nap, you can just lay down and relax. What happens to the other 15 minutes of the class? Stretching, which helps with waking the body up and facing the rest of the day.
Like I said before this class is just a trial in one health club in the UK with plans to expand through the rest of the UK. Fingers crossed it makes its way to the US, but honestly I can't imagine it wouldn't.
Now I am not exactly the biggest fan of taking naps, I honestly hate it. However, what do you think? Would you go to a napercise class if they offered it at your gym?
Source:, CDC, CDC Sleep Study
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