Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Think Stock
Cold sores can be uncomfortable, painful, and embarrassing. Due to infection by the herpes simplex type 1 virus HSV-1), cold sores can cause painful blisters that last about two weeks. Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, can be brought on by stress, illness, and low immunity.
There is no need to feel ashamed when it comes to cold sores. About 90 percent of adults across the globe test positive for the virus that causes cold sores. Most of these people will likely never show symptoms, but some may deal with recurring breakouts.
Even when you don't experience symptoms, you could spread the virus through kissing, sharing drinks, food, or even lip balm. fever blisters can be a result of high stress, low immunity, cold winter months, and UV light.
It is a misconception that cold sores only occur on your mouth. Other forms of HSV-1 can manifest on your fingers, face, neck, arms and genitals. HSV-1 should not be a stigma, educate yourself on the causes and treatment of this condition. When you get an outbreak, wash your hands, as cold sores can spread to your eyes and face.
Although there is no way to cure HSV-1, there are many ways to manage it. Topical solutions and oral medication are available. Research shows that extracts like lemon balm, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil diluted with jojoba or coconut oil can help an inflamed sore. Applying a cold compress can also numb the pain. Be wary not to put the ice directly on your skin. If fever blisters persist, talk to your doctor to be prescribed the proper medication.
The mint extract in a small jar. Selective focus.
Yana Tatevosian / Think Stock

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