New Survey Reveals The Most Popular Horror Movie In New Jersey
🔪 Everybody has their favorite movie to watch during the Halloween season!
🔪 Whether it's a comedy or something super scary, you look forward to it every year.
🔪 A new survey has determined the most popular Halloween movie in every state.
Who doesn't love a good jump scare during the spookiest time of the year? Personally, I love a good theme. So, I go all out for Halloween. That means watching all the best movies that this time of year has to offer.
I can't watch scary movies except for this time of year. It just fits the overall fall vibe. That's the only time you'll catch me willing to be afraid. I do that as a favor to the rest of humanity. Trust me, you do NOT want to be in the theater with me during a spooky movie... I scream. Jump scares always do me so dirty. I scream so loud and then start laughing. It's my process.
A recent survey has determined the most popular scary movies in every state. I have to say, I don't agree with some of the movies they named for New Jersey. But, who am I to argue with the masses? I definitely don't agree with the movie they named the number one most popular horror movie here in NJ, though.
10.) The Exorcist
Anything that has actually happened is bound to scare the crap out of most people. Since this supposedly happened about 60 years ago, that's terrifying to know by itself.
9.) A Nightmare On Elm Street
A classic. Who doesn't love Freddy Kreuger? I'd even accept this as the top movie, but it's not.
8.) Scream
This is the movie that made teens afraid to answer the phone in the 90s.
7.) The Shining
This movie is both scary and weird at the same time. Nothing beats Jack Nicholson's performance in this one, though.
6.) Saw X
"Do you want to play a game?"
5.) It
I'd even understand if the killer clown made the top spot. Tim Curry is a LEGEND in this role. Bill Skarsgård does a terrifyingly amazing job reprising the role for the revival.
4.) The Silence Of The Lambs
Anthony Hopkins & Jodie Foster... what a pair.
3.) A Quiet Place
Who knew you could jump so much during a movie where there's barely any dialogue?
2.) Halloween Ends
Tons of people LOVE Michael Myers, so it makes sense why this is so far up on the list.
And the most popular horror movie in all of New Jersey is...
1.) The Boogeyman
Really? Are people this obsessed with this one? The movie JUST came out! How did this one beat out the likes of Pennywise, Freddy Kreuger, and Michael Myers?? Makes no sense to me, but apparently, I'm overruled.
What movie would you choose to put in the top spot?
If you're looking for movies the whole family can enjoy this Halloween, we've got some suggestions for you:
10 Family Friendly Halloween Movies All New Jersey Kids Will Love
Gallery Credit: Nicole Murray
Did you know that a lot of scary movies have a weird connection to the Garden State?
Halloween Movies You Probably Didn't Know Have Ties To New Jersey
Gallery Credit: EeE