Pinelands Regional H.S. and J.H.S. Parents’ Meeting Tonight
Pinelands Regional High School and Junior High School will be transitioning into a split-schedule indefinitely while construction takes place at the high school.
Tomorrow the split schedule begins at the junior high with high school students going to classes in the morning and junior high students in the afternoon. Both will have 4 one-hour classes a day.
Ninth grade students will go to school during the afternoon session with the junior high students.
Questions were asked at the meeting that took place last Friday concerning after school sports and activities for high school students and whether or not there will be transportation available for these students.
Parents of junior high school students also raised concerns. Parents who work during the day and do not feel comfortable leaving their child home alone until they have to go to school in the afternoon have concerns.
There will be a meeting tonight to discuss the split schedule, which again begins tomorrow and hopefully answer any and all questions that remain.
Maryann Banks, interim Superintendent, released a message for parents on Pinelands Regional's websites:
We will be holding a parent meeting at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 in the Jr. High School cafeteria. The purpose of this meeting will be discuss our plans for split sessions, which will begin on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. or those of you who cannot attend, we will be live-streaming the meeting. Please visit our website for the link.
To get the live stream click here.
To get more information on the construction and school services for this time click here.