Stats Show Atlantic County Has Highest Unemployment Rate In the Country
It's no secret that COVID-19 has caused a huge spike in unemployment throughout the entire nation.
More people are out of work now than have been in a long time. A new study shows that South Jersey was hit the worst. More South Jersey residents lost their jobs no doubt due to the coronavirus than any other region in the country. Statistics from both programs used to determine the rates show the Atlantic City-Hammonton region had record high unemployment rates from last month's collected data.

According to MarketScreener, Atlantic City-Hammonton had a 34.3% unemployment rate in June, the highest in the country. The region also suffered from the highest jump in employment rate year-over-year, with an additional 29% increase to the unemployment rate from last year. Bottom line, South Jersey got hit hard.
The silver lining here, though, is that we've (hopefully) had the opportunity to think of others before ourselves and have grown more thankful for all the things we do have rather than emphasizing what we lack. If this data showcases anything, it's our resilience and strength. If we can make it through COVID-19 unified, we should (in theory) be able to make it through anything, right?
Souce: MarketScreener.com
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