Got a cold sore? They are caused by a virus that affects 90% of people across the globe. Here is how to prevent them and how to treat them with DIY home remedies.
No kid should have to be cold in the winter...which is why the team at Cat Country 107.3 has partnered with the Atlantic City Rescue Mission for our annual Coats For Kids drive!
“Don’t worry it’s just a cold.” How many times have you or someone you know said that? We usually associate sneezing, couching, congestion and several other symptoms with the common cold or allergies, but when does it turn from a cold into something more?
With temperatures falling into single digits this morning, it seems like the right time to throw out some "How cold is it?" jokes.
Please feel free to add your own in the comments section below.
How cold it it? It's so cold,
*My car won't run, and my nose won't stop...