The 10 Most Mispronounced Words of 2019
Language; it's a hard thing to master.

The language learning app Babbel is out with their list of the most pronounced words of 2019. Shockingly enough, my name wasn't included on the list.
It 100% should have been.
However, by the looks of this list, my name isn't that difficult to pronounce in comparison to these words.
- 1
(chair-nOHble) - 2
(dee-tUHR) - 3
Greta Thunberg
(grAY-tah tOOn-bairk)This 16-year-old Swedish girl made he mark on the world with her activism regarding climate change. She was named Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'.
- 4
Megan Rapinoe
(ruh-PEE-noh)You know Megan Rapinoe as the US Soccer star.
- 5
Notre Dame
(nOH-truh dAHm)The famous cathedral in France makes the list every year.
- 6
Pete Buttigieg
(pEEt bUt-ij-ij)Pete Buttigieg is Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a Democratic Presidential hopeful.
- 7
Rami Malek
(rAH-mee mA-lik)You know this actor from his portrayal of Queen's frontman, Freddie Mercury in the Oscar-winning film, "Bohemian Rhapsody".
- 8
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
(rE-jep tAH-yep AIR-doh-wahn)The president of Turkey
- 9
Tekashi 6ix9ine
(te-kAH-shee siks naYn)Tekashi 6ix9ine is a rapper.
- 10
(toh-kee-mE-koo)Tokimeku is a Japanese word meaning “to flutter".
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