Mays Landing Resident Claims Alien Captured on Home Security
A Mays Landing resident is claiming to hold video evidence of an not-of-this-world alien, captured on a home security system.
The identity of the resident has not been made known - the person has posted his or her encounter on the National UFO Reporting Center website. The site reports UFO sighting and occurrences in the United States and is updated on a monthly basis.
As of yet, much of the world - including me - has not seen this reported evidence. (NOTE - If this is YOU that I'm talking about, please forward some video my way:
The person who made the report says they encounter happened on October 28th, 2019. The report is as follows:
I have 465 minutes of videos of a alien Caught on my security camera motion detector 1:40 am to 5:40 am.
Call me silly, but I did the math and there are only 240 minutes of actual time between 1:40am and 5:40am. I'm not sure if the 465 minutes includes footage from multiple cameras all recording at the same time... or, maybe, there was some sort of Time Warp that most of us are aware of.
There's no explanation of what the alien looks like either, which I find disappointing.
Stay tuned for an update, which will happen if I hear back from our Mays Landing friend.
SOURCE: National UFO Reporting Center.