Not that this is news to anyone, but everything in New Jersey is pretty pricey compared to the majority of the country.

Homes are insane, the property taxes are even worse, and we've barely got enough room to move around with how many people are packed into the Garden State like sardines. Still, those of us that are still here are here for a reason. Call us fools, call us whatever you want, but we like living here in good ole' New Jersey.

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Make all the jokes you want to, but New Jersey really is a pretty special place. It's hard to explain why. It just is. It's different from anywhere else in the country. People can be really sassy, but they have hearts of gold. The authenticity of people's personalities here in Jersey are hard to find anywhere else.


Why You Should Live In NJ

In New Jersey, you're close to multiple cities, you're not far away from the mountains, and you can get to the beach in about an hour and change. It may be expensive to live in the Garden State, but there's a whole bucket load of reasons why people do what they can to make it work.

That includes not having kids.

Believe it or not, a lot of young people under the age of 35 are choosing not to have children here in the Garden State. Sure, there are many personal factors that go into making that choice, but a lot of the weight is placed on the cost.


Nobody's Having Kids In NJ Anymore

Simply put, children are EXPENSIVE. That's especially true here in Jersey. For one, the cost of childcare is out of this world. Before you even get to put your kid in childcare, there's the whole labor and delivery aspect, right? Not sure if you know this or not, but it's expensive to birth a child here in the Garden State.

As a matter of fact, New Jersey is the 3rd most expensive state for labor and delivery in the entire country. That's literally the FIRST THING YOU DO as a parent. If that alone is going to put you thousands upon thousands in the hole, it's no wonder people are thinking twice about becoming parents these days.

Read the survey to see how New Jersey measured up to the rest of the country regarding having babies HERE.

Source: WalletHub

This $2.5 Million Mays Landing Home Gives You Both Water AND Land!

This custom-built home on Somers Point Road in Mays Landing not only sits on 6.6 acres, but it also backs up to the Great Egg Harbor River!

Gallery Credit: Jahna Michal

21 of the Best Places to Get a Hoagie (or Sub) in South Jersey (Besides Wawa)

From one side of South Jersey to the other, these are some of the best places to grab a hoagie... enjoy!

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