Win a Trip to See Eric Church Kick Off His Gather Again Tour
How would you like to be there as county music's hottest entertainer kicks off his first tour in a long time?
We'd love to send you to Lexington, Kentucky to see Eric Church kick off his "Gather Again" tour!

The tour kicks off on September 17th at the legendary Rupp Arena in Lexington.
As our big winner, you and a guest will fly to and from the show, enjoy the concert, stay in a great hotel for two nights, and get $500 spending cash!
It's all thanks to our friends at U.M.G Nashville!
To win, listen for the ERIC CODES - we'll give them to you each weekday, the beginning of each hour, from 8am - 5pm. Once you get a code, go to the Cat Country APP and enter your code for a chance to win. The more codes you get, the more entries you can make!
Get all the details on the contest, and enter your codes here.
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