You Won’t Believe Where They Put a Pedestrian Safety Sign
In that last few years, there seems to have been a significant number of pedestrian-vehicle accidents is our area.
Some of those, especially along sections of the Black Horse and White Horse Pikes, have been the fault of the pedestrian. Many have been crossing in areas where there are no traffic lights or crosswalks.
Recently a large billboard was erected, warning pedestrians that police officers were increasing their efforts to enforce pedestrian laws.
While I couldn't get close enough to the billboard to be able to thoroughly read it, the billboard appears to include some good advice for pedestrians and their interaction with traffic.
So, where is this billboard, with good information for pedestrians located?
On the Atlantic City Expressway. A roadway where pedestrians are prohibited.
The sign, which must cost thousands - or tens of thousands of dollars, is located in Pleasantville and viewable only from the eastbound land of the expressway.
So, instead of placing the sign possibly near where pedestrians might see it, the sign is up there - where no pedestrians can see it.
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