You've heard it once, you've heard it said a MILLION times: South Jersey and North Jersey are SO different, they should be different states.

Sure, the two regions may be united as one under the Garden State umbrella, but truth be told, the two regions couldn't be set apart anymore. Whether it's food, highways, cost of living, or even toll prices, South Jersey is notoriously cheaper than its counterpart to the north.

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Still, that doesn't stop people from fiercely defending their neck of the Garden State. In fact, the argument is so well-known, that even people outside of New Jersey know that North and South Jersey aren't exactly each other's biggest fans.

I can't really speak for North Jersey, but people in South Jersey tend to get a little heated when people assume that all of New Jersey is just highways and congested areas. You can understand that frustration when you come to realize that South Jersey couldn't be more different from that stereotype.

You can't say the statement above, though, without admitting that South Jersey also has some stereotypes that hold a bit of truth to them. Yes, it's true, South Jersey is basically like New Jersey's own mini-Alabama. Still, there are plenty of actual facts that set North and South Jersey apart.

We decided to point out only the most ridiculous and obnoxious ones in a list we've compiled below. After you've read them, you may just agree that South Jersey really should secede from the state.

10 Ridiculous Reasons South Jersey Should Become Its Own State

It's the age-old argument: North and South Jersey are so different, they could be different states. It may be a bit dramatic, but there's certainly some truth to it. Here's why:

Gallery Credit: Jahna Michal

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