Are You a “Dresser-Upper?”
I am not a fan of dressing up for Halloween......
Call me crazy or boring or no-fun, but I can't stand dressing up for Halloween.
Send the hate mail to Georgia@CatCountry1073.com.
I get it that people love to dress up for Halloween, but its just not for me. I'm totally uncreative, so that's one reason. Another reason is that I just prefer to wear normal clothes and make-up.
I know, I know. So boring.
But the good news is, if you're like me, but you still want to join us for Cat Country's Halloween Cruise to Nowhere, you're in luck! Even though there's a $1,000 costume contest, (which might just get me to dress up.... maybe...) you don't have to dress up to join us on the Cape May Lewes Ferry!
Joe Bachman and his band will provide the music and the fun and everybody from Cat Country will be there! (dressed up or not!)
Get your tickets HERE and let's party on the Cape May Lewes Ferry Friday, October 24th!
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