How Happy Are People from New Jersey?
You may be surprised to find out that people from New Jersey are very happy compared to the rest of the country. WalletHub.com looked at the many factors that make people happy to compile their list of which states are happiest. According to the site, "To determine where Americans exhibit the best combination of these factors, we examined the 50 states across 31 key metrics, ranging from depression rate to sports participation rate to income growth."
The top five happiest states (in order from 1 to 5) are: Hawaii, Utah, Minnesota, North Dakota, and California. The least happiest states (in order from 46 to 50) are: Oklahoma, Alaska, Louisiana, Arkansas, and West Virginia. However, where does New Jersey fall?
New Jersey falls in at number 13 for overall happiness. However, WalletHub broke down the ranking into more specific categories and New Jersey ranks pretty high in some of these.
New Jersey ranks in at number 2 for the lowest share of adult depression, just after New York. The state with the highest share of adult depression is Oregon. However, New Jersey ranks very low when it comes to sports participation. We came in at number 48. N.J. also ranked low with the highest long-term unemployment rate, coming in at 49 just above New Mexico.
The Garden State did rank number one in one of the categories WalletHub explored, NJ has the lowest suicide rate in the country. Montana, unfortunately, has the highest suicide rate. New Jersey also has a low divorce rate, ranking in at number 3 for lowest divorce rate.
Find out how WalletHub came to these results and what other factors they looked at to find which states are happiest at WalletHub.com.
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