How Much Time Does a Millennial Spend On Their Phone?
A common complaint by society about Millennials is the amount of time they spend on their smartphones. I can't lie and say I am not one of those Millennials because I am. Now, no Millennial can deny just how much time they spend on their phones because Apple is tracking it and reporting back.
With the recent iPhone update came a new tool called Screen Time that tracks your phone usage and reports back to you just how much time you spend on it. Your phone will send you notifications on your phone habits and lets you know whether you have spent more or less time on it than usual. As much as looking at this new tool makes my cringe, I don't think I could ever turn it off because I enjoy seeing just how sad it is. I spend too much time on my phone. So how much time does a Millennial actually spend on their phone?
The simple answer is too much, but let me break down the average week for you.
Screen Time allows you to see an up to date report of your usage, as well as a look back on the past 7 days.
Yes, I need to keep my phone charging.
Over the past 7 days I have spent on average over 8 hours each day on my phone. This was 22% lower than the previous week. Go me! I spent just under 24 hours on social media apps, over 12 hours on entertainment apps just as YouTube, and over 8 hours on games. My weekly total was almost 60 hours, which is 35% of my week! However, if you average 7 hours of sleep a night that bumps the percentage to just about 50%. But wait, it gets worse.
I physically picked up my phone on average 233 times per day in the past week. This doesn't include the times that I didn't physically pick up my phone to use it. This is oh, so sad. The total pickups being over 1,600 times is honestly terrifying.
I spend way too much time on YouTube and Instagram. I spend almost 11% of my week on those two apps alone. I clearly have my priorities straight.
When looking at your weekly report, you can also see how bad certain days were. I regret looking at this.
Almost half of my day was spent on my phone last Wednesday. It gets worse.
I picked up my phone over 300 times that day!
To answer the early question, how much time does a Millennial spend on their phone? The answer, way too much.
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