How to Have a South Jersey 4th of July
4th of July is almost here. As you are getting ready for your cookouts keep one question in the back of your mind, is your party South Jersey enough? No? Well, we are going to have to fix that. Forget the plain old burgers and hot dogs, we are going to kick things up a notch.
- Affordable Grocery via Amazon
Affordable Grocery via Amazon 1Pork Roll Burger
Now you could just pop a slice of pork roll on top of your burger, but that's so simple. JerseyPorkRoll.com has a recipe for a burger made with pork roll, no ground beef to be found! Get the recipe here.
- Drizly.com
Drizly.com 2Valenzano Red, White and Blueberry Sangria
South Jersey is filled with a ton of great wineries. South Jersey is also famous for our blueberries. Valenzano winery makes a Red, White, and Blueberry sangria. Serve it cold with a few blueberries in the glass.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 3Candied Pork Roll S'Mores
I found a pretty cool recipe for candied bacon s'mores, but let's replace that bacon with good ol' pork roll. All you have to do it make some candied pork roll and put that into your traditional s'more.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 4Fireworks
Celebrate our nation's independence and the fact that we can actually legally use fireworks in New Jersey.
- First Choice Candy via Amazon
First Choice Candy via Amazon 5Salt Water Taffy Cupcake Toppers
This isn't anything that takes a lot of effort. All you have to do is stick some salt water taffy on the top of some cupcakes.
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