How to piss off New Jerseyans with just one sentence
We tend to have short fuses in New Jersey, and this recent Reddit thread really put that on display.
Someone with the appropriate username “U/NooJoisey” asked how to infuriate someone from New Jersey with just one sentence and the fellow NJ Redditors certainly delivered.
Can you make it through this post without developing a slight eye twitch?
“I drive the speed limit in the left lane” - U/New_Stats
Keep right except to pass, people! It’s not that difficult! If you’re going anywhere under 70 mph in the left lane, you need to take a long look in the mirror.
“After pumping my own gas, I'll drive slowly on the left lane to get some great tasting pizza at Domino’s.” - U/NJ_Bus_Nut
This one should have come with a trigger warning. It’s just one gut punch after another.
“I’m from Joysee… you from Joysee” - U/Odd_Stomach_4715
“Central Jersey is not a real place” - U/Mercurydriver
This one cuts deep, U/Mercurydriver. This is just an outright lie.
“Taylor Roll” - U/TurtsMacGurts
Ugh. This one almost hurts to look at. It borders on being unsettling.
“Tolls need to be higher” - U/Catmom32
Don’t let the politicians in Trenton hear this, this will end up being the one thing they get done.
“Pennsylvania has better drivers” - U/jd158ug
I guess they all stay in PA then because the drivers that venture over here have a fundamental misunderstanding of what to do in the left lane.
“Skip the donuts from Dunkin and grab a bagel there- UNREAL” - U/Banana_Bride
And finally: “You don’t need a sentence. Everyone in NJ is pissed off already” - U/GENERAT10N_D00M
You know what? Fair point.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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