I Survived Getting My Booster Vaccine in Mays Landing, NJ
I've been thinking about getting my COVID vaccine booster shot because it's been more than six months since I received my original vaccines - the first and second shots.
I did have some caution because a lot of people I know had gotten sick after receiving the booster. Most people I'm talking about had a headache or chill the day after their shot.

It was a spur-of-the-moment decision Saturday morning to try to get the shot, knowing my calendar for Sunday was free and clear, with really nothing planned.
The ease at signing up for the booster was pretty remarkable.
At 8 am, I went to the CVS website, clicked that I wanted to get both my booster and my flu shot (I get the flu shot every year) and I had to put in some personal information, which took less than two minutes.
None of the CVS locations immediately near me had availabilities for Saturday, but I quickly found an appointment at the CVS on Route 40 in Mays Landing for 10:30 am.
I booked it, received confirmation via email and text, and I was ready to go. I just needed my original vaccine card and I was good to go.
A 12-minute drive to the CVS, and I was able to check in on my phone when I arrived.
I got there early (NOTE: I get everywhere early) and the pharmacist said she'd be with me in a few minutes. Sure enough, a few minutes later, she said have a seat, and she gave me my vaccine booster in my left arm and my flu shot in my right.
She requested I remain in the seat for 15 minutes just to make sure I didn't have any immediate reactions. I did not and I was dismissed.
(SIDEBAR: Do you know what a pharmacy's busiest day of the week happens to be? It's Monday. Who knew? Apparently, people check in with their doctors after the weekend and get whatever prescriptions they need. Huh!)
After leaving CVS, I drove home and the day was pretty basic and normal. I kind of forgot I had the shots. I knew the big test would be Sunday.
Sunday, I woke with sort of a dull headache and some body aches and stiffness. Honestly, that was about as bad as it got. I took a couple of ibuprofens and went about my day. The only other thing I noticed was I was a little more tired than usual.
So, that's it. Easy-peasy and life goes on. I'm glad I got both shots done.
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