With so many changes happening at Six Flags Great Adventure, it's hard to keep up knowing what's what. Is it a rumor, or is it real? Will the park stay open, or will it shutter? Should I even believe what Six Flags claims to be the truth?

Most fans of the park have probably been wondering this throughout the summer. Fortunately, an official statement was made by Six Flags on Nov. 14 addressing all the rumors and discussing what the future holds for the park.

The good news is that the park isn't going anywhere. In fact, millions of dollars are being poured into the site to help enhance the visitor experience. That, of course, is great news for anyone who's planning to spend time at the park in the years to come.

However, let's not forget about the experience when you first enter the park. Not the main gates after you park your vehicle, but the gates you drive through where you pay for parking.

More specifically, how the toll setup is configured. It just seems to confuse drivers with where to go. The signage isn't very clear and for those with speedy passing, it just makes it that much harder.

Essentially, if you have a season pass, you're able to use the speedy parking lanes. The problem with this, however, is that nobody seems to know what to do, or the license plate readers don't appear to pick up the car's plate fast enough.

Or maybe they do in the designated lanes, but thanks to the confusing setup at the parking gates, most people don't know where they should be going.

Google Maps

Yes, it's very exciting news that the newly formed parent company is looking to enhance the visitor experience throughout the park. Hopefully, they also keep in mind that the overall experience begins at the parking gates.

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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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