Father's Day is Sunday, June 16, 2024. Have you figured out yet what you'd like to do with your dad yet?

Sometimes the best gifts are just those moments you get to spend with him. And honestly, some dads might prefer that over a gift or two.

As a dad myself, I can tell you that making those moments and capturing them on the phone is by far at the top of my list. It doesn't have to be anything crazy in any sense.

I also don't like it when people spend a lot of money on me. Call me crazy, but I'd much rather keep the budget easy on my loved ones if they decide to take me out when Father's Day rolls around.

(iPlay America)
(iPlay America)

One of the places I've grown to like over the years is right here in Freehold, NJ. In fact, back when I used to do promotions with the radio station, and we used to host a lot of events there.

I'm of course talking about iPlay America. But for those who may not know, it's so much more than just a play zone for kids.

Yes, the kids will have a great time on all the rides, games, and other activities geared toward them. But there's also a heck of a lot for adults, including dad.

From food, drinks, rooftop golf, and all the happenings at the event center, it's a place most dads would love to spend time with their kids. And for those who don't want everyone spending a ton of money on them, Father's Day at iPlay is the place to be.

Father's Day at iPlay America
Google Maps / Canva

Not only does iPlay not break the bank, but all dads get to go on rides for free on Father's Day Sunday, June 16. And honestly? I hope my kids think of this for me.

Trust me, if you've never been to iPlay America, it is awesome. Definitely worth the trip for Dad on his big day... or, any other time for that matter. No matter the age, you'll have a great time.

Looking for even more to do with Dad? Check out these events happening ahead of Father's Day...

How much does parking cost at NJ fun spots?

It's great to spend time at New Jersey amusements and fun spots. Some places charge to both park and get into an attraction while others offer free parking. (information is as of April 22, 2024)

Gallery Credit: Dan Alexander

NJ Street Fairs are back! See the latest 2024 schedule

All New Jersey street fairs are listed in date order. New locations may be added as the year progresses so please check back often for updates.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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