Man With Down Syndrome Defends His Life on Capitol Hill
Consider this your warning: this one's a tear-jerker.
With all these new laws and regulations emerging over the last few weeks regarding what defines a human life, it's no surprise the debate is leading to the discussion of topics that go hand-in-hand with the original debate.
This man with down syndrome addressed Congress on behalf of the entire Down Syndrome community to express his right to life, pointing out that without their existence, there wouldn't be nearly as much research done on various terminal illnesses. He also talks about the "unusual happiness" families of people with Down Syndrome experience.
The most moving moment of his speech was when he expressed his heartache over what he think is the world's "final solution" for people like him. If you recall, the Final Solution is what Hitler named his plan to exterminate the Jewish community. Hearing the comparison made the entire room react.
Watch the entire speech below:
Source: Facebook