See What Your St. Jude Donations Have Already Done
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital saves lives. By giving to St. Jude you can help the Hospital to continue to save lives.
When Danny Thomas first started St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in 1962, a cancer diagnosis in a child was pretty much a death sentence. Survival rated for children suffering from cancer were very low.
Today, thanks to the research being done at St. Jude, survival rates are much better. For example, in 1962, the survival rate for children with once type of cancer, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, was just 4%. Today, the survival rate is up to 94%.
When we first started the Cat Country Cares for St. Jude Kids Radiothon in 1990, the survival rate for that same type of pediatric cancer was 80%. Today, again, it's 94%. In our listeners' 16 years of helping, the rate has jumped from 80% to 94%. THANK YOU! It's remarkable to be able to see that your donations have had such a true, lifesaving, impact!
The only drawback is that 94% is not 100%. We still have a way to go. Survival rates for children with other forms of cancer aren't that good yet, either.Won't you consider helping St. Jude save more children's lives?
Become a Partner in Hope, a monthly donor to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Be a part of helping kids live! Click here to help, now. You can also call: 1-800-372-4999.
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