Behind The Vision: Danny Thomas and St. Jude
Danny Thomas made a promise the the Lord through the intercession of St. Jude that if he were to show him what he was supposed to do in life, he would honor St. Jude with a shrine.
Danny Thomas was a comedian who was able to make his way in life after dedicating it to a larger cause. A believer, Thomas was lost and had nowhere else to turn but up. He prayed for guidance and direction. Upon receiving it, he would go on to change the lives of children all over the world.

St. Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of hopeless causes. Danny Thomas was a devout believer and, evidently, at one point believed he was a hopeless cause. In the 1960s, most children to who heard the words "you have cancer" were as well. Now, after 58 years, the childhood cancer survival rate for certain cancer types is in the 90th percentile.
"St. Jude physicians and scientists have pioneered treatments that have helped push the overall survival rates for childhood cancers from 20 percent when the hospital opened in 1962 to 80 percent today." - stjude.org
It's still not enough. Danny Thomas is quoted saying "no child should die in the dawn of life." While there are still children dying, the mission of Mr. Thomas is not completely fulfilled.
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Source: StJude.org
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