Parking tickets can be a real pain in the you know where. One city in Indiana is turning a headache into an act of charity. According to Fox 8 in Cleveland, the Muncie Indiana Police Department is working with the local animal shelter on a program to make those tickets go away and help the animals at the same time.

The idea was sparked after a group of officers took a tour and realized the shelter did not have enough supplies for the animals. The shelter is home to over 350 cats and kittens. Officer Jamie Brown spoke to the public via a Facebook video on the Muncie Police Department stating, "If you have a $25 parking ticket, you can bring up to $25 worth of cat food or litter to the Clerk’s Office, and you can get your parking ticket to go away with the exchange of the donation."

The response was overwhelmingly positive and the donations came pouring in.

The Muncie Police Department saw a need and found a creative way to solve a problem many local shelters have. This could be translated into other donations to places like women's shelters, soup kitchens, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc.

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