So Wait…Where Is South Jersey Exactly? [Poll]
We know there is a North and South Jersey and depending on who you talk to a Central Jersey. Where are these regions exactly?
You could talk to a group of 5 people about the regions of New Jersey and all 5 people will have different answers as to where these borders are. No one seems to agree.
If you ask someone from North Jersey, they will say anything south of the Driscoll Bridge is South Jersey.
If you ask someone from Monmouth County, they will say Ocean County down is South Jersey.
If you ask someone from Ocean County, they will say anything south of Toms River is South Jersey.
I was told by someone in Sea Isle City that anything north of Atlantic City is North Jersey.
I've also been told Tuckerton was the dividing line. Apparently, McDonald's from Tuckerton south serves the hamburgers with ketchup and mustard. As someone who is north of Tuckerton, this blew my mind. I feel like I've been cheated out of something my whole life. I've only been given ketchup
Is your head spinning? Mine is.
So, where is South Jersey? Where is North Jersey? Does Central Jersey exist?
If you asked me, I would say from the Driscoll Bridge to Toms River is Central Jersey. Anything north of the bridge is North Jersey. Anything south of Toms River is South Jersey.
Is that right?
Take our polls and let's find out together what's going on with Jersey's borders.
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