New Survey Shows Most NJ Parents Still Financially Support Adult Children
If you find yourself as angry as I am after reading this, trust me, you're not alone. My blood began boiling as soon as I read the headline.
One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is having to say "congratulations" to someone my age who recently made a big purchase when I know DAMN WELL they wouldn't have been able to do it without mommy and daddy. They didn't work hard for it. They didn't "earn it." Mom and dad's hard work paid for it.
The same can be said for people 25 and older who make big salaries all because mom or dad gave them a job. Even if the parents didn't hire them outright, they put them in touch with a buddy who provided a cushy job that many of us have to struggle for YEARS to finally achieve.
It's not fair, but life's not either. So, it is what it is.
I've always struggled with feeling like I'm so far behind compared to the majority of my peers. Now, I know why. My suspicion all along has been factually proven to be true. I'm not far behind. I just am one of the few and far between that didn't get bailed out financially by my parents.

I grew up in single parent household. Not one of those homes where, yes, mom and dad are split up, but dad still pays child support. Nope, that didn't happen for me. My mom had to bust her butt by herself so my brother and I could have a decent life. She did a great job, too. I didn't want for any necessity growing up. Sure, I didn't have the latest technological gadgets or get handed $20 to go spend at the mall on a Friday night.
I did, however, learn that if I want anything in this life, I have to go out and get it myself. I have to earn it. That's a lesson I'll be forever grateful for.
The same can't be said for most people from 22 to 40-years-old. According to a new survey from the folks over at USA Today, 72% of parents here in New Jersey are still financially supporting their adult children. Most people 22 to 40-years-old still are receiving bail-outs from mommy and daddy.
Neither my mom nor my late father have EVER foot the bill for any of my monthly expenses as an adult. My mom might have given me a few $20s for Christmas or my birthday, but paying my bills? Absolutely not.
It's no wonder people look like they're a lot further in life than statistics are showing their bank accounts give them credit for. These people have NOTHING to their name because it's all in mom and dad's.
NJ ranks as 2nd top state with the most financially dependent adult children. Apparently, NJ parents are giving their adult children almost $600 PER MONTH for them to make ends meet (or for entertainment purposes). All I have to say to that is MUST BE NICE.
Read the full survey for yourself HERE.
It's no secret NJ homes are expensive. Here's what $260k gets you in KY!
Gallery Credit: Joe Kelly
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