To Every Wannabe Mom Who Wishes She Could Celebrate Mother’s Day
I see it every single day on my different social media feeds.
Infertility is a problem plaguing way too many people on my various friends lists. Personally, I think it's not spoken about enough, particularly around holidays like the one we're celebrating this weekend. The men and women who so desperately want to be parents must take a huge hit every time Mother's Day and Father's Day rolls around, particularly if you've been trying to have a family on your own for years with no success.
I can speak on this topic because I, too, may be dealing with exactly the same thing when I decide I'm ready for children. I suffer from Endometriosis and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Long story short, either one alone can make it difficult for a woman to have children, but combined? Well, you get the idea.
This isn't about me, though. I'm not the one actively trying to have children right now.
To the woman that will see all of her friends sharing the little cards and homemade gifts their children made for them at preschool, I see your pain.
To the woman who has been actively trying for a baby, yet every month is disappointed, I see your pain.
To the husband who wishes he could make his heartbroken wife a mother more than anything in the world, I see your pain.
Infertility is an awful diagnosis for anyone who had "family" written in their life plan. Not only does it take a toll on both spouses emotions, but it can take a toll on the marriage overall over time. Make no mistake, the extra layer of pain you experience as you watch the world celebrate a holiday you wish so desperately you could take part in will not go unnoticed.
Give yourself some grace this weekend, lady. It's not as easy as saying "all in God's time". Sometimes, that's not enough to ease your mind, I know. My wish for you this Mother's Day weekend is that you practice the patience I know you'd have for your child on yourself. Feel whatever emotions you need to feel. The one thing that I DON'T want you to feel, however, is alone.
You're seen. You're supported. You're in my prayers.